Digital Marketing Team.
An effective digital marketing campaign cannot be accomplished by a person alone. For a successful campaign, consider forming a team which may include the following:
– Digital marketing strategist. The one who will plan and create your digital marketing plan. A digital marketing strategist can also lead your digital marketing team.
– Writers. The ones who will write articles, news and stories for your campaign.
– Graphic designers and photographers. They can create and generate engaging images and infographics for your campaign.
– Other content creators. These include video producers and animators who can create useful videos and presentations for your campaign.
– Social media managers. The people who are in charge of your social media pages and social media marketing.
– Search engine marketers. The ones who are in charge of your visibility, authority and reputation on Google and other search engines.
– Other professionals who can help your team execute the campaign smoothly.
Furthermore, your digital marketing team should not only include digital marketing professionals but the politician, political party, and non-digital campaign managers should also be involved with the team to make sure that your overall campaign will be cohesive.